Please read this page from the main YASEP interface
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Then you can explore the menubar, discover the documentations and the tools, learn to use the window manager, access other online resources or just play with the gadgets, such as this one :

(click on the tag below)
; (all the characters after a semicolon are comments)
; Just a dumb program that loops,
; adding all the positive numbers from 1 to 10

.name MyFirstProgram
.profile YASEP16

  mov 10 R1 ; the R1 register is assigned
    ; to the loop counter, it is initialised to 10.
  mov 0 R2  ;  the R1 register is assigned
    ; to the accumulator, it is cleared.

; Start of the loop body, that takes 4 bytes :
    add R1 R2 ; adds the contents of R1 into R2
    add -1 R1 ; decrements the loop counter

  add -4 PC NZ R1 ; Loop while R1 is not "Not Zero"
     ; (we can "jump" inside the program by writing
     ; an address to the PC register)

  HALT ; End of program : stop the CPU

There ! You just made a tiny program for the YASEP !

Then, using the tools of this webpage, you can modify this program, reassemble it, save it or even export it in other file formats. Soon it will be possible to simulate it... Who knows, maybe one day you will write real software and include a YASEP in your projects ?

Have fun !

whygee, 20120830